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In becoming the unparalleled monster which he did become, Hitler was a traitor to the human race. For he sank back to the cruelty, passion, and rage of the wild-animal kingdom but added to them the mental profits of his sojourn in the human kingdom, all its perverted thinking power, without however showing those finer qualities which even animals possess. Those who talked with him were often appalled by the hatred and vindictiveness which punctuated his coarse criticisms. Such swift and strong passions had to find an outlet and this was provided by the cruel, aggressive, and brutal acts which marked his rule. He was a votary of violence. In the field of international diplomacy, his brutality was marked by crafty artfulness. It took some time before the contrast between his suave, disarming speeches and his violent, ferocious deeds became evident. He dwelt in an atmosphere of pure evil, and hatred was the natural air he breathed. When it came to expressing it, he wielded a really wicked tongue. He not only flayed the skin off those who stood in his path but thereafter proceeded to disembowel them. The hate-poisoned atmosphere which he created throughout Europe, both amongst his sympathizers and his victims, was his worst legacy.

-- Notebooks Category 11: The Negatives > Chapter 3 : Their Presence in The World > # 210