Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

Hitler confused statecraft with stagecraft. Hence, his love of taking the limelight with a new sensation every now and then before the war! But with the turn of the tide of events in his enemies' favour, Hitler was singularly silent. His speeches became rare and even then were filled with feeble evasions of the true and terrible situation into which he had led those who so blindly followed him. For nothing was so formidable as its facts. He twisted arguments and tortured words--but there were its facts staring everybody in the face. His judgements became faulty, his new ventures ill-fated, even his fresh conquest of territory proved in the end to be a fresh burden he had to bear. Hitler's procrastination in attacking England immediately after Dunkirk was the beginning of that series of colossal mistakes which he was led to commit and which themselves led first to a process of crumbling and then to his downfall. Like all his lesser prototypes, he was ruined by his own ambitions. Thus Hitler, the arch-destroyer, has himself been destroyed.

-- Notebooks Category 11: The Negatives > Chapter 3 : Their Presence in The World > # 209