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The most exaggerated claims have been made on behalf of medical hypnotism. Dr. Alexander Cannon for years diagnosed ailments by using someone as a professional hypnotic subject, but the truth is that the subject will only give a diagnosis either of what the patient believes is wrong with himself, or of what someone else present believes. The subject picks up the thought in the other person's mind rather than penetrating into the true nature of the disease itself. Cannon also professed to read the past incarnations of people by the same means, and I once had amusing proof of the truth of this criticism. A lady whom I had met and who was exceedingly ambitious and conceited, who could only conceive of herself playing the most historic roles whether in the past, present, or future, once went to him for a reading. The hypnotized medium said that she had been Cleopatra. Later the lady told me this with great excitement as convincing proof of the fact that she had been Cleopatra. Hypnotism has enough of a case to offer for scientific study without running into farcical extremes or fantastic assertions.

-- Notebooks Category 10: Healing of the Self > Chapter 4 : Healers of The Body and Mind > # 126