Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The practice of hypnotism to help others psychologically or to heal them physically cannot be recommended indiscriminately. Just as there are dangers in the surrender of one's body and will to an invisible spirit-entity in mediumistic passivity, so there are dangers in their surrender to a visible human entity in mesmerized passivity. It should not be practised--if it is practised at all--more than is sufficient to give a needed initial impulse to start the patient's constructive energies. If he is subjected too long and too often to this controlling influence of another person while in this passive inert condition, his willpower can only get weaker and weaker until he is ruined. For if the mind has opened itself up to accept control and receive suggestions from one outside source, it will do so from other outside sources too. In the end its individuality will be destroyed and its capacity for self-protection lost.

-- Notebooks Category 10: Healing of the Self > Chapter 4 : Healers of The Body and Mind > # 116