Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

Freud's outlook was too materialistic, his interpretation of psychological processes too mechanistic, his personal experience too one-sided to permit him to adequately solve the human problem. Nevertheless he presented a good start in opening up a neglected mental hinterland to science. Adler advanced beyond Freud. Jung advanced beyond Adler. Psychoanalysis has indeed made a useful contribution, amidst all its errors and exaggerations. It has brought into light what was formerly and unhealthily hidden in darkness. It has said what needed saying but what nobody had the courage to say. It has helped people understand their character better. But this said, its work is useful only on its own level, which is much inferior to the philosophical one.

-- Notebooks Category 10: Healing of the Self > Chapter 4 : Healers of The Body and Mind > # 61