Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The idea of introducing Questers to other Questers has generally failed to effect the original purpose and has not seldom had disappointing results. It is better to recognize that this is an individual work, not to be identified with any group effort, even so small a group as two or three, let alone the larger ones of several dozen. People cannot blend so easily as to form a harmonious friendship or group, even if they are Questers. Yet many beginners in their enthusiasm try to create such friendships and have to learn their lesson when the friendship falls apart. It is better to let people find their affinity and form their companionships in a natural way. There is no duty laid upon anyone, whether teacher or taught, to give introductions unless a direct, intuitive bidding points to that duty.

-- Notebooks Category 1: Overview of the Quest > Chapter 4 : Organized Groups > # 49