Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

Who is this being in the mirror? The reflected image of your body, comes the reply. So there I am! No, it continues, the body is only a part of you, that part which is the object receiving your attention. What about your awareness of it? You are having the experience of it. So who is this entity which is you? To get the further answer I found it necessary to engage in a twofold enterprise. First I had to think my way very carefully and deeply through a little piece of psychological philosophy which was hidden in the core of an Arabic tale which may have been the forerunner of our own English Robinson Crusoe, but which rose to a higher level of understanding and intuition. It was Ibn Tufail's Awakening of the Soul. Second I had to practise something quite opposed to thinking, something I came to call the Stillness.

-- Notebooks Category 8: The Ego > Chapter 1 : What Am I? > # 53