Those who seek escape from our present troubles by turning back to a revival of medievalism have somewhat muddled their thinking. Science admittedly took the wrong turning when it entirely separated itself from the truths of religion, mysticism, and metaphysics, but it took the right turning when it separated itself from their fantasies. So what we have to do today is to go back to the pre-Renaissance and pre-Reformation times and re-learn abstract thinking, mystical practices, and religious notions, but at the same time recast them in modern form and refuse the superstitions which were then entangled in them. But this will be equivalent to a spiritual re-creation; it can hardly be called a mere return. There is moreover one prime objection to following the way of the medievals which effectually bars it for our liberated era. Their minds were fettered to the walls of vested interests and dared not go outside them. No genuine progress is possible under such conditions.
-- Notebooks Category 7: The Intellect > Chapter 6 : Science > # 160