This article is reproduced with permission of New Dawn magazine, and was published in New Dawn 191 (Mar-Apr 2022).
Joscelyn Godwin discovered PB’s writings in 1967, while he was a graduate student in musicology at Cornell (see his memoir of Anthony Damiani, “Meeting a Philosopher”). In 1971 he visited PB in Switzerland, and made four later visits, during one of which he helped PB move to the Massons’ flat in Cannes for the winter, stopping at Rudolf Steiner’s Goetheanum on the way. With Paul Cash and Timothy Smith, Joscelyn edited Paul Brunton: Essential Readings (Crucible Books, 1990). Other relevant writings are “H.P.B., Dorjeff, and the Mongolian Connection” (Theosophical History 2/7 [1988]: 253-60), the first article to draw on material in PB’s Notebooks; “Mentalism and the Cosmological Fallacy” (Alexandria 2 [1994]: 195-204); and “Beyond the Cosmic Ladder: The Ultimate State, According to Julius Evola and Paul Brunton” (Theosophical History 20/3 [2020]: 261-78).

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