Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

There is hope and help for those among the masses who are tired of moribund, orthodox religion but who are not able to make the grade of mysticism. Let them repeat in their heart again and again, day after day, the name of a Spiritual Guide in whose attainment they earnestly believe, who is known to have dedicated himself to service and in whose saving power they are prepared to trust. He may be a man long dead or a living one. They need never have met him but they must have heard something about him. If their faith is not misplaced, if he really is one who had dwelt in the Overself's sacred light, they will get genuine results. If, however, their faith is misplaced and the name represents nothing divine, no results except hallucinatory ones need be expected from this practice. But where the devotion is given to a great soul, it shall surely be rewarded. For the silent repetition of his name, wherever they may be and whatever they may be doing, will in itself become an easy mystical exercise in concentration. No matter how ignorant the devotee may otherwise be, let him do this and out of the infinite Overmind there will presently sound its Grace as an echo of his inner work. The sacred name will thus have become for him a link with the Divine. The Grace which descends is rich and real.

-- Notebooks Category 4: Elementary Meditation > Chapter 5 : Visualizations, Symbols > # 108