Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The seated relaxation exercise: (a) Sit upright on a chair of comfortable height, with the knees and legs together, if comfortable, or slightly apart if not. Lean slightly forward, keeping the spine straight, and allow the arms to hang down completely relaxed and full length, like heavy weight.

(b) Lift both hands very slowly at the elbows, almost to shoulder height taking care not to move the shoulders. Next abruptly drop them, palms upright, on the upper thighs. Keep the feeling of limpness and heaviness in the arms, and the rest of the body utterly relaxed.

(c) Picture an ethereal aura of pure, white, electrifying Light all around you. Then, imagine this magnificent Light is actually pulling you upright by the top of your head. Its compelling force should, as a result, automatically straighten the spine, and the back of your trunk, neck, and head form a perfectly erect line. Finally, imagine the Light is pervading inside the whole of your body.

This exercise should give a feeling of physical refreshment and complete physical repose. It is also useful when having to sit continuously and listen to lengthy lectures or when reluctantly trying to practise meditation after a fatiguing day.

-- Notebooks Category 3: Relax and Retreat > Chapter 3 : Relax Body, Breath, Mind > # 9