Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The simply constructed, unforgettably inspired sentences of Jesus may be picked out in the four Gospels from those which have been interpolated by later men. Why this interpolation, it may be asked? Because they wrote down the words, as we have them today, after original bearers were themselves dead. Because with the passage of years and the passing down from mouth to mouth, remembrance may be faulty. Because human mentality may misinterpret the facts. Because human desire may exaggerate them. Because the fatal influence of an ambitious emperor forced organization and institutionalism on believers to serve his own ends and secured the necessary interpolations for this purpose on the theory that the end--monopoly and stability of power through the union of religion and State--justified the means.

-- Notebooks Category 17: The Religious Urge > Chapter 2 : Organization, Content of Religion > # 140