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The true being is one thing, a human being's experience of it is another, while the individual reaction to it is a third thing. So when two people report their communion with, and communication from, God, remember not to expect identical statements. There will be differences and colourings, agreements and, to some extent, contradictions. There are no two individualities absolutely alike, no two personal histories which duplicate one another. So--"the observer enters into the observed object," as they say of the most difficult stage in formulating the theory of atomic physics. Each prophet gives you his way of receiving and articulating truth: it cannot be otherwise. Silence alone can then hold the answer to Pilate's question: "What is truth?" But, because few people are sensitive enough to comprehend such an answer telepathically or to "deny" themselves sufficiently to let its grace enter their hearts, most prophets will continue to speak.

-- Notebooks Category 16: The Sensitives > Chapter 15 : Illuminations > # 94