Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

It is not enough for the writer, the poet, the painter, or the composer of music to be original, for some men have found original forms of murder and of robbery. Moreover, insanity has not seldom passed among the artists for originality. Also it has been associated with exhibitionism and with neuroticism, with the desire for publicity, to draw attention to oneself. In short, it can be a malady of the ego. He who is truly original learns to think for himself and especially to be aware for himself--resisting the influences, the suggestions, and the pressures of his surroundings. All human beings are destined to develop until they acquire this kind of originality, for then they will come close to the fulfilment of the main purpose of human existence.

-- Notebooks Category 14: The Arts in Culture > Chapter 2 : Creativity, Genius > # 16