Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

I walked among the shady groves of the Philosophers. And I asked them, "What is truth?"

And some said: "It is thus."

But others declared: "It is not thus."

And yet again: "It is incomprehensible to man while he is yet mortal."

I pondered upon these answers, yet I was not satisfied. Therefore it was that I fared farther. And I came to one who sat upon the stump of a tree trunk. And I saw that he was an old man who had been cast out of the ranks of the Philosophers because he could evolve no system.

And I asked again: "What is truth?"

He made no reply, but instead fixed his gaze on me. We sat silently together. His eyes gleamed with a strange lustre. And in that hour I came to know the meaning of truth. For his answer came through SILENCE.

-- Notebooks Category 12: Reflections > Chapter 4 : Reflections On Truth > # 199