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The situation in the world with its anxiety, stress, and strain has produced a remarkable phenomena of recrudescence of fortune-telling and notably of astrology. A whole army has encamped in the midst of the metropolis which professes to provide its patrons with glimpses of the events of their future life. I do not regard astrology as nonsense. I believe there is some basis for the doctrines, but I regard the whole trade of fortune-telling as having been riddled through and through with quackery. Those who place their faith in the predictions of these gentry will, in the vast majority of cases, be sadly disillusioned. The prosperity, fortunate marriage, and fame which form so common a feature in their venial prophesies prove to be hollow bubbles that are pricked by the spears of time. The mentality which accepts every prediction as authentic is as primitive and as moronic as the mentality which utters it, as in the days of the decline of ancient Rome. Superstition battens on unsettled minds and fearful hearts, on all those who feel the need of some assertions about their personal future during the disturbed epoch. The wise man will refuse to follow the mass of slander, but will derive his assertions from the study of philosophy and practice of meditation.

-- Notebooks Category 9: From Birth to Rebirth > Chapter 3 : Laws and Patterns of Experience > # 472