Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation homepage > Notebooks of Paul Brunton

The need to identify himself with an organized group, established religion, or particular sect, or indeed with any cause, is at base the need to identify himself with the God within. He unwittingly wants to belong to something larger than his own little ego. Such membership helps to achieve this because it removes the sense of separateness and the feeling of loneliness. But it does so only at the surface level. With the efflux of time, he finds it necessary to search for satisfaction at a deeper level. For the group, the church, or the institution are outside him and give it only temporarily, partially, or spottily. A durable and fuller result is possible only by turning around and looking within his own being. For there, in the hidden presence of the Spiritual self, he will find that larger Cause, Source, Mystery, with which he can identify himself in the perfect way.

-- Notebooks Category 1: Overview of the Quest > Chapter 4 : Organized Groups > # 19